Sunday, January 17, 2010

Calming down

We plan so long and work so hard for the big events in our lives and then we watch how quickly they pass. Without the calming hand from a friend or wise words to "breathe" we could easily blink and miss everything.
I've been anticipating the wedding of my best friend for several months and today has become the "day after." I waved the couple off to their honey moon, entertained their remaining guests and put away my maid of honor dress. For them, it is the start of the rest of their lives and to me, it is a day to settle down and recover from the adrenaline rush.
The wedding was truly flawless and absolutely beautiful and I have finally found the time to sit in quiet to enjoy it. I had an amazing time and met some wonderful people that I hope to see again in the near future. Thank God for photographs so that I can immerse myself in the memories of it over and over.
Tomorrow will be hard to get my mind to focus and realize that the event has passed. But I am sure that other projects will take over and I will soon find myself immersed in other various emotions. But if I can just enjoy the moment, then all will be well.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Morning Call

The call came early and I quickly knew
That something dark was burdening you
Your shallow voice was faltering
A hidden truth you were altering
Apologizing for lost memories
Vocalizing your personal reveries
A twinge of regret in your tired voice
As you second guessed your final choice
I can’t help but remember our year
Full of grace and devoid of fear
But the sharp pain comes from goodbye
And yours was sudden you cannot deny
This morning call was without direction
Perhaps you were seeking my affection
I cannot refute that it had my mind racing
But I’m done with all of this backwards chasing
We could go on forever with this flirtatious game
But the ending will inevitably be the same
Young souls confused and tender hearts broken
From actions taken and words unspoken
Whether or not I was wrong to answer the phone
Is not the issue as I ponder regrets of my own
The one thing that is clear from this call
Is that you really did love me after all…

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just rambling...

This blog has kind of turned in to a poetry journal of sorts. Although that was not my original intention, it has been a great outlet for sharing some of my old and new stuff. However, I have not posted in a few days so I thought a non-rhyming, broad update was due.

Things have been a little nutty lately gearing up for my best friend's wedding. Sara is getting married on January 16th! I'm sure on January 17 we'll all look back and say "WOW" but until then, we (mainly she) have a lot to do. This Saturday is her bachlorette party. It will definitely be tame and not require the assistance of any male dancers or phallic shaped shot glasses...much to my disappointment. :)
Instead, the bridal party is going in for facials and massages in the afternoon and then we'll go somewhere Asian for dinner. We'll make it fun, but there will not be any craziness....unless of course Sara wants there to be!

Aside from the wedding, I am also trying to find somewhere to live. Sara will be moving out after the honeymoon and then our lease is up in March. I would like to stay in this complex, but there are no one-bedrooms available. I found two other complexes that I really like, but they too do not have any one bedrooms. Sadness.
I'm hoping by the end of January some places will come up. But mark my words...I will NOT be moving back in with the parental units.

Work has been busy and church too....I'm just looking forward to February 1st. The wedding and the 25th anniversary celebration at church will have come and gone. And that is when I will take my pretty self down to the spa and not leave for at least 3 hours. Pure bliss is waiting for me in less than a month.

This is not to say that I do not like to keep busy, but it seems a lot has piled on these past few months in various aspects of my life. I want to find new networking opportunities to participate in different ways around the city and meet new people. I have been asked to joined Rotary, but have yet to go to a meeting. I just need to do it. Not sure what I am nervous about, or if I am even nervous at all. I guess this is just a different time in my life and it is time to find new ways to make it exciting and new! I know....cheesy!

Anyhow, time for bed. Tomorrow is the UT/Bama game! Can't wait to see the Longhorns kick Bama's butt!
