I sat down to write a song about us.
Then from my headphones I realized it had already been written.
A verse from one favorite song to the next and there it was.
How could I begin to write out my feelings now?
I felt defeated by my ability to find the perfect song.
Always paired with the perfect melodies that calm me better than drugs.
So is it better now to create a "mixed tape" for you...
Or better to pay homage to those songs and still write my own?
You may hear a favorite song of mine and scoff at it's simplicity.
Or you may make one of my least favorite songs mean something so much more.
Then again, if I were able to write a new one, who's to say I would show it to you.
Always creating little wonders and never releasing them.
I'm not even so sure you know I like to write...or try to write as I might.
Maybe I should just mark down what you say.
Scribble down all the things that make my heart melt and go from there.
You probably wouldn't even notice the familiarity if you read them aloud.
Always the humble one...as cocky as you are.
Regardless of what is written here tonight, I will never amount to what I desire.
In words that is.
Always reaching far and falling short.
Faking it until I make it perhaps.
You'll read this one day and say it's "cute."
I'll feel defeated again and you'll think all is well.
If it was paper I would crumble it up.
Hit the delete key?....maybe.
I will always be a rambler.
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